2024 CAP Unit Veterans Association Reunion and Monument Dedication
Our Reunion this year included the long-anticipated dedication of our CAP Unit Marine/Corpsman Monument. To begin our reunion started with a meet and greet at registration, it was well organized and members were full of excitement. Over 500 attendees were expected for the Monument Dedication and over 300 for the reunion itself. This was the largest group of CAP Marines and Corpsmen in one location since Vietnam. These numbers included family and friends as well, the actual number of CAP Veterans was in excess of 180.
The first full day planned a trip to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall which included a magnificent speech by Dr. Jeannie Johnson about the CAP Platoons and their focus while in Vietnam. Protecting the villages, the people, providing civic duties as well as training the P.F.s with day patrols and night ambushes.
We conducted a wreath ceremony led by Rick Frantz with the wreath bearers Chet Mattern, Mike Lawson, Bob Ravencroft, Bill Riddle and Mike Smith. The crowd remained in place as these CAP Veterans ceremoniously walked in front of the wall to place the wreath at the center in recognition of those that gave all in the CAP’s in Vietnam. The Bugler began to play taps as all placed their hand over their hearts from our group, and it was amazing everyone at the monument stopped and didn’t move a muscle while Taps played. This was an extremely moving and emotional moment for all.
The following day seven buses loaded CAP Veterans and their guests taking them to the National Marine Corps Museum in Triangle, Virginia. Rain was called for this day and evening but it couldn’t spoil the absolutely magnificent CAP Monument Dedication organized by Nancy and Ed “Matt” Matricardi. The museum ambiance added to this historical event. Speakers Lt. General Ron Christmas and Bing West gave outstanding speeches while Maj. General Lukeman and CAP Unit Veterans Association President/Chairman Paul Kaupas acted as emcees.
Emotions ran high for all with pride, tears and sadness with the video of the Monument Unveiling as it should. Over fifty years has gone by since our time in Vietnam living with the villagers, getting to know the villagers as family, caring about them, protecting them and now our Monument will tell the story of why the CAP Platoons were so successful. A yearlong project of time, effort and care by the Matricardi’s was a video of CAP Marines and Corpsmen interviewed from the 2023 reunion on their experience in CAP. Moving and emotional doesn’t begin to describe these personal videos. The Marine Corps had representation with colors, Mr. Britton sang multiple songs which sent shivers through the audience, this was a night that will never be forgotten.
The next event, which was on our final day. A dinner banquet with CAP Veterans dressed with their mini ribbons or medals and their wives beautifully dressed for the evening banquet. Socializing was a happy occasion for all seeing each other and sharing stories of whatever. Almost 300 in the room to enjoy one last event with all their fellow Brothers for this year. Before the meal was served our CAP Chaplain John McDonald led us all in prayer allowing all to reflect on our Lord’s grace. As dessert was being served, final call for raffle tickets raising funds for the Association. All week-long Chet and Cheri Mattern sold raffle tickets at their table for this evening, tonight many of our volunteer wives of the members were making sure all were able to participate. Some of these volunteers were Denise McDonald, Anne Sloan, Cheri Mattern, Nancy Matricardi, Colette Stoehrmann, Trena Philo and Margaret Webb (if I left someone out my apologies). There were at least 42 items for the raffle which included 16 free room nights, 2 complete sets of artwork etchings on the Monument, USMC leather jacket, Mugs and Shirts, autographed books from Dr. Jeanie Johnson, Bing West and Edward Palm and much more. All had a great time; the night had come to an end while there was talk about the next reunion in 2025. See you all there!
Semper Fi,
Eric Webb
More information on the CAP Marine Monument and its Dedication Ceremony can be found in the “CAP Monument” tab above, or by clicking here.
Dr. Jeannie Johnson’s talk at the Wall
This is a 25 minute video of Dr. Jeannie Johnson speaking to the CAP Unit Veterans Association members at the National Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washinton DC at this past reunion: