Association History
The purpose of this report is to document the history of the CAP Unit Veterans
Association’s birth, growth and development. On behalf of the membership the
Board wishes to express our gratitude and recognize those CAP Marines who
have led the organization and have been instrumental in making each annual
reunion a memorable experience.
The Beginning
Initially, a few CAC/CAP Marines began meeting once a year to reconnect and
share their common experiences while in Vietnam. In 1984, they conceived the
idea of forming a California corporation to organize and run the reunions. The
intent was to include CAC/CAP Marines and Navy Corpsmen as members of the
corporation and provide a focal point for the annual reunion.
Hence, the CAP UNIT VETERANS ASSOCIATION was created and incorporated
in the State of California on September 13, 1985.
The Founders
The original founders included Colonel William Corson, Russell Longaway,
Charlie McMahon, James Duguid, Allen Walden, Larry Connolly, Arliss Willhite,
and Joseph Molina. We owe a debt of gratitude for the inspiration, foresight and
dedication of these founding Marines and honor their commitment to the CAP
Association and its purpose.
From its initiation, the association has been honored to have members who
volunteered their time to be officers and directors, and worked to make each
annual reunion a patriotic, enjoyable and memorable experience for each of us.
Website Creation and Development:
Tim Duffie deserves particular recognition as the creator of the first CAC/CAP
Marine website in the early 1990’s. Tim communicated with CAC/CAP vets,
compiling a great deal of information: a roster of names, photos and stories,
and a “history” of individual CAC/CAP units. Tim’s work established a
foundation which provides an understanding of our unit and our role in Vietnam,
and was the catalyst for many CAC/CAP Marines to connect with each other.
Fred Caleffie continued to meet the high bar set by Tim, maintaining the roster
of men and units, and increasing our internet exposure. Fred maintained and
updated the unit rosters and posted important CAP news and reunion
Both Tim and Fred are recognized for unselfishly contributing their knowledge,
experience and historical data to help launch our current website – CAP.Vet.
Newsletter Publisher and Website Developer
Jim Duguid
Nick Duguid (developer of this website)
Tom Harvey
Charlie McMahon (publisher from 1992 to present)
Thanks also to those who performed the behind-the-scenes work involved in
documenting history, providing information about reunions and being a resource
for communication to the membership.
Membership Growth
Upon returning from Vietnam most CAP Marines put military experience behind
them and jumped into civilian life. Our post-Vietnam challenges gave us a new
mission which required us to apply the discipline and “can do” attitude learned
in the Corps. Many years passed before we began to reconnect with our CAP
brothers and realized how important and unique our CAP experience was for the
people of Vietnam, our Corps, and especially ourselves.
Since the first reunion our CAP family has steadily grown. Today, our
association has over 600 members and is still growing. What was started by a
few has grown into an organization that provides an annual gathering for its
members to reconnect with each other.
In Conclusion
Needless to say, it takes more than those named above to make our reunions a
success. There are many people who make huge contributions of their time and
labor that are not named above. Without these volunteers the board would not
be able to plan, organize and execute the work required each year. On behalf
of the entire membership, we salute and give you our sincere thanks.
Historical Chronology
The following Historical Chronology details the history of the association from
the initial formation of the California corporation to today.
Unit Veterans Association articles of
incorporation were filed and accepted.
Original California Corporation
- California Secretary of State Corporate records reveal that:
- 09/13/1985 – CAP Unit Veterans Association articles of incorporation
were filed and accepted. - Bylaws were approved by the Board.
- Corporate Annual Reports filed and Registration Fees filed and paid
from 1985 – 1998. - 08/26/1998 – Date last annual report and fee filed resulting in
termination of corporate existence. **
- 09/13/1985 – CAP Unit Veterans Association articles of incorporation
Current Virginia Corporation
- Virginia State Corporation Commission records reveal that:
- On 12/17/2018 – CAP Unit Veterans Association articles of
incorporation were filed and accepted. - Corporate Annual Reports and Registration Fees are filed and paid
to date. - The corporation is active and in good standing.
- On 12/17/2018 – CAP Unit Veterans Association articles of
- IRS Filings:
- IRS Form SS-4 filed and the EIN obtained.
- IRS Form 1024, Application for Recognition of Tax Exemption Under
Section 501(a), was file. Association recognized as a 501(c)(19)
Vietnam War Veterans Not-For-Profit organization.
- Corporate documents approved by Board of Directors and filed are as follows:
- Articles of Incorporation
- Bylaws
- Directors Staggered Terms
- Directors shall serve a term of three (3) years.
- Each director’s term in office is staggered so that
approximately one-third of the board are eligible to be
replaced each year.
- Directors Staggered Terms
- Corporate Banking Resolution for Bank of America
- Corporate documents and action required to qualify as a 501(c)(19),
Vietnam War Veterans, ‘Not-For-Profit’ Organization.- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Document Retention Policy
- Ethics Code Policy
- Whistleblower Policy
- Confidentiality Policy
- Chase Bank – Corporate Bank Accounts established:
- Checking account established in the name of the association
requiring two of three signatures (President, Secretary, or Treasurer). - Corporate credit card authorized for certain expenses.
- Checking account established in the name of the association
- Liability Insurance:
- Officers and Directors Insurance obtained.
- Annual Reunion Event insurance obtained as needed.
- Creation of New Website (CAP.Vet):
- Nick Duguid, Designer/Webmaster
** Failure to file the annual report and pay the annual assessment resulted in the
automatic termination of corporation.